Monday, November 22, 2010

Can a taxi driver be a Brand?

I don't think Andy set out to be a brand.  He simply decided to do everything right and ended up making his cab the most desired at Dorval train station. Would you ever imagine yourself risking life and limb in the ice and snow to run to his cab, pushing senior citizens aside so  you could get to the line up first?  You may laugh, but there was competition to get to the "white car" first. Andy followed the very simple rules of a good brand:
- He was reliable.  If his cab wasn't there, it was because  he was sick; which happened rarely.
- He remembered your name and used it.  Not only did he know your name, he knew your husband's name, kids name, pets; anyone or thing that was important to you.
- He paid attention to your needs.  If you felt like chatting, he talked; if you needed quiet, he would keep to himself.
- His car was ALWAYS clean and full of gas.
- He was early for a pick up; you never had to worry about being late.
- He provided several "added values".  As my friend Jay called it, the free candy with your receipt was the "inflight service".  He also had your receipt filled out and ready to go.

And, he never spent a dime on advertising!

I don't travel to Dorval regularly anymore but when thinking of "brands" I have used and to be honest in this case, jealously guarded, Andy and his taxi rank among my top 5.

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